Woolwich Singers are back singing and rehearsing!
For more info: email contact@woolwichsingers.co.uk or phone 07812 477775
We do hope you will join us!
We will try to be as flexible as possible. If you are able to pay monthly payment, that would be helpful as it reduces the amount of admin. But, of course, weekly payments are fine too.
The options are :
Payments by bank transfer
Sort code: 60-02-20
Account number: 64554317
Ref: add your name&date
Payment by Cheque
PLEASE NOTE: if you would like to pay by cheque please make cheques
payable to Woolwich Singers. Please let Wendy know if you wish to pay by
cheque and she will send you the postal address.
We will soon be holding our usual monthly raffles. This extra income every month allows us to keep the weekly subs low. If anyone has any fundraising ideas, please do get in touch. And if anyone wishes to send the odd small donation, the Trustees would be very grateful.
If anyone has any concerns or questions about subs or the finances in general, please let us know and we will do our best to sort them out.
Click here to enter the Rehearsal audio space (choir members only)
Finding the car park: If you come by car, there is free street parking from 6.30pm and Tesco has 3 hours free parking.